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  • Will the tour be cancelled if one or more participants are unable to join?
    This tour will run with as few as the minimum amount of participants explicit for every tour. Less than this number (usually 4 people for expeditions, 2 for tailor made tours and night walks). In the case many people cancel (due to major force reason or sickness) and only one or two persons remain, we will run the tour.
  • Will you pick us up at the airport upon arrival?
    Yes, we will.
  • What kind of trouser is needed?
    You can bring any durable but lightweight trousers that are easy to dry.
  • Can you get rubber boots for me?
    We suggest you bring your own rubber boots as you should test whether they fit comfortably before arriving, where you will use them every day. You can also buy very cheap rubber boots in the local market, to avoid bringing them. (Boots are included on some night tours).
  • What herping gear do you recommend?
    Important to bring a durable waterproof lamp with replaceable batteries , a rain coat, and your own camera; bug spray (better not based on deet).
  • Is there a chance to arrange a private tour?
    Yes, most of the tours we offer are private. Contact us for a private tour not open to other people (
  • How are the tours paid and how do I book my spot? ?
    Tours are paid and reserved online. Reserved online with a deposit of USD 600 on the website or by international transfer. The remaining balance at least 60 days before departure.
  • What time do the walks take place?
    Walks can take place both, during day, evening and night.
  • Which vaccination certificates do I need?
    The three most important vaccines to get before visiting the tropics are against yellow fever, tetanus, and hepatitis. However, you do not need a vaccination certificate to access any reserve or national park during this tour.
  • What if there is no other participant willing to share a room?
    If you are willing to share the room, you do not have to pay the single supplement fee, regardless of whether you end up sharing the room or not.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
  • How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?
    You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
  • Day 1
    Day 1: Arrival in Drake Bay You'll arrive in Drake Bay on the morning flight from San Jose at 9 am. We'll take you to your hotel, and you'll have the rest of the day to explore the beaches and forests around the area. In the evening, after dinner, we'll take you on a guided walk through the jungle to spot nocturnal creatures such as red-eyed treefrogs, tree frogs, rain frogs, glass frogs, and nocturnal reptiles such as snakes.
  • Day 3
    Day 3: Corcovado National Park After breakfast, we'll take you on a boat to Corcovado National Park, where we'll go on a guided walk to spot crocodiles, tapirs, coatis, four species of monkeys, sloths, scarlet macaws, and many other species, including pumas. Corcovado National Park is famous for its rich biodiversity, with 5% of the world's biodiversity found within its boundaries.
  • Day 5
    Day 5: Osa Rainforest We'll move to another lodge in the heart of the Osa Rainforest, which is surrounded by one of the world's most spectacular jungles. Here, we'll explore the area's primary rainforest, home to the black-headed bushmaster, three species of poison frogs, and an array of other species. You'll have the chance to observe impressive trees (Pandora like!) that shelter the fauna, from orchids to mushrooms.
  • Day 2
    Day 2: Whale and Dolphin Watching August is the peak season for humpback whales in Costa Rica, and Drake Bay is the best spot to observe them, along with dolphins, false orcas, and even true orcas. After breakfast, we'll take you on a private boat ride with an expert guide who has been observing and photographing cetaceans in the area for over 20 years. You'll have the rest of the day free, and in the evening, you can choose to go on an optional night walk (not included).
  • Day 8
    Day 8. After breakfast, we said goodbye. Flight back to San Jose.
  • Day 7
    Day 7. Return to Drake, and we walk to the beach and bathe in a river with crystalline waters right next to where sea turtle nests are sheltered. Rest of day free in Drake. Possible night out (not included).
  • Day 6
    Day 6. The area has innumerable trails through the jungle where we can take photos of the exuberant nature of the region, from mushrooms to orchids and all possible fauna. At night we will also continue in search of the famous bushmaster and other nocturnal creatures (which may include Bothrops asper and its predatorthe mussurana Clelia clelia, Bothriechis schlegelii, Nothopsis rugosus, etc etc).
  • Day 4
    Day 4: We'll head to Rancho Quemado, a hotspot for the black-headed bushmaster, one of the rarest snakes on the planet. Although it's not guaranteed that we'll spot this elusive creature, we'll spend the next three nights in the area (in two spots), exploring during the day and at night to see a variety of fauna, including vipers like the eyelash, fer de lance and white-tailed hognose, endemic to the Osa Peninsula. We'll also have the chance to observe birds, mammals (the area is perfect for observing the white-lipped peccary), and various frogs, salamanders, and lizards.
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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